viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

Hacer andar VirtualBox como usuario en Opensuse

Una reciente actualización me dejó sin poder arrancar VirtualBox como usuario (sí como root), con este lindo error:

/usr/bin/VirtualBox: line 72: /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox: Permission denied
/usr/bin/VirtualBox: line 72: exec: /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox: cannot execute: Success

Claro, uno se siente tentado a correr hacia el binario y darle permisos para todo el mundo...sin embargo recuerdo que el instalador decía claramente por consola que debía agregarse los usuarios de VirtualBox al grupo "vboxusers", fui a Yast lo hice y no funcionó.

Mirando un poco en google encuentro esto:

"Running in Konsole as normal user, it failed with an error that pointed me at the executable /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox, and on inspection it didn't have permissions for non-root user (i.e. Others). As root, I gave read and execute permissions to Others. It still failed to run from command line as normal user, this time with the error: Wrong owner (0) of '/tmp/.vbox-username-ipc'. This file was probably left there when I ran VirtualBox as root.

So, I went to /tmp as root and deleted the hidden vbox file (its name will include your user name). I made sure there was nothing else left there to do with VirtualBox. Then it worked! Maybe not exactly the same as your problem - but worth a look."

"Mc", ir a /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox y darle permisos de ejecución para terceros y tema solucionado.

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